Domestic tension: el artista iraquí Wafaa Bilal vive desde primeros de mayo en la galería FlatFile de Chicago. Cualquier usuario de la Red puede observar su vida durante las 24 horas del día a través de una cámara web. Y, si le apetece, dispararle con una pistola de paintball.
Bilal’s self imposed confinement is designed to raise awareness about the life of the Iraqi people and the home confinement they face due to the both the violent and the virtual war they face on a daily basis. This sensational approach to the war is meant to engage people who may not be willing to engage in political dialogue through conventional means. Domestic Tension will depict the suffering of war not through human displays of dramatic emotion, but through engaging people in the sort of playful interactive-video game with which they are familiar.
Algunos de los videos están ya en el youtube. (via)
Petite Claudine